How it works
call us now! +44 07866435212

step 1, fill the online form

Enter personal details and information (Allergies, Drugs etc, including ICE details) into the online form and submit to join FREE membership

step 2, receive membership details

Receive Membership email with login details plus downloadable unique QR code on membership card. Personal data can be updated at anytime

step 3, choose options

-Free or upgrade to Premium Membership.
-Choose 'Medalert' Jewellery (optional)
-Update your details anytime

step 4, medical staff download data

Emergency medical staff/hospital/first responders scan the QR code on your card or jewellery and download key medical data to phone or tablet

Click the QR Code to see a sample of data available for medical staff to download    :

FREE FOR LIFE membership

Basic memebrship is free and you can either just download the medical alert card for your wallet or purchase standard jewellery from our online shop and we can engrave your unique QR code for first responders to scan and download your medical data. SAVE LIVES for FREE

Simple protection for anyone


Inform medical staff and first responders of any
allergies, drugs being taken, medical conditions